Parents teacher conferences are a month away. Mark you calendars!
about 22 hours ago, Sheldon Community School District
The second year of the half time Pop-a-Shot activity at the O-rena was a hit! This week, a donation of $1,660 was presented to the Sheldon High School boys and girls basketball programs. A huge THANK YOU to the sponsors and to everyone that participated and made it a huge success! #leadon #orabs #sheldonorabs #orabnation #orabbasketball
4 days ago, Sheldon Community School District
Happy Valentine's Day from SCSD
4 days ago, Sheldon Community School District
Sheldon Community School District will be running a 2 hour late start on Thursday, February 13. No AM Preschool/No AM activities.
5 days ago, Sheldon Community School District
Sheldon will host State Jazz Choir on Monday in the high school auditorium starting at 5 pm. The Sheldon Jazz Choir will perform at 8:30. Come down and see all the great performances!
8 days ago, Sheldon Community School District
The Sheldon High School remodel project is progressing on schedule and on budget.
8 days ago, Sheldon Community School District
Go Valerie, Go!
9 days ago, Sheldon Community School District
Congratulations to Theresa Nilles ! She will be traveling to New York City to take part in an Honors Orchestra. She was selected from among those who auditioned by submitting a recording of her playing the required audition music. She will rehearse and perform with other gifted high school musicians from around the country at Carnegie Hall. #leadon #orabs #sheldonorabs #orabnation #orabmusic
9 days ago, Sheldon Community School District
Sheldon high students have been working daily to get stronger in the weight room during P.E. *Image created by Sheldon High School Student, Wesley Kruse* #leadon #orabs #sheldonorabs #orabnation
21 days ago, Sheldon Community School District
Junior Parent Meeting tonight in the High School Auditorium starting at 7 PM. *Image created by Sheldon High School Mass Media Student, Taylor Krukow* #LeadOn #Orabs #sheldonorabs #sheldon
3 months ago, Brittany Maassen
Sheldon High School students and staff had the opportunity to donate blood on Friday. What a great way to give back to those in need. *Image created by Sheldon High School Mass Media Student, Dylan Siemonsma* #giveblood #LeadOn #orabs #sheldonorabs #sheldonhighschool #orabs
4 months ago, Brittany Maassen
Sheldon Community School serves breakfast each school day from 7:45-8:15! Breakfast is served daily at all 3 locations (East Elementary, Sheldon Middle School, and Sheldon High School). Price is $1.75 for students this year. Free and reduced applications are available online or in the office
6 months ago, Brittany Maassen
Work has started on the new addition of the Sheldon High School! #LeadOn #Orabs #sheldonorabs #newschool #addition #sheldon
7 months ago, Brittany Maassen
Back to School Registration is coming up! Online registration will take place from August 1-9 In person registration will take place on Tuesday, August 6 from 11:00am-7:00 PM More information to come. First day of school will be Friday, August 23! #LeadOn #orabs #sheldonorabs #sheldon #backtoschool #orabregistration #sheldonschools
7 months ago, Brittany Maassen
Congratulations Preston Crawley! Preston Crawley has been selected to be part of IHSSA's RISE team! This is a relatively new program for IHSSA (started just last year) in which only 12 Speech kids from the entire state are selected to be the student leadership team for the program. After a very long application process and out of the hundreds and hundreds of applicants, he was selected as one of three to represent the Northwest District. Preston, the IHSSA administrators, and the fellow RISE students will be models for performing, will have a very active role in the planning and preparation of All-State Festivals, will run the IHSSA's social media platform, will meet and plan for how to best serve the Speech students in Iowa, and many more responsibilities. Congratulations Preston! #LeadOn #Orabs #Sheldon #sheldonorabs #sheldonhighschool #speech
8 months ago, Brittany Maassen
Sheldon High School students spent this morning helping the City of Sheldon in their clean up efforts after the storms. #ORABSTRONG #LeadOn #orabs #sheldonorabs #cleanup #flood2024 #orabpower
8 months ago, Brittany Maassen
Save the dates for this week's Sheldon High School Summer Theatre performances! "Play On" will be performing Thursday, Friday, and Saturday night in the Sheldon High School Commons starting at 7:00 PM. Tickets can be purchased on BOUND or at the door with cash. #LeadOn #orabs #sheldonorabs #sheldonsummertheater #orabs
8 months ago, Brittany Maassen
play On
We are hiring! If you are interested please contact the Sheldon Community School District Office at 712-324-2504. #LeadOn #Orabs #sheldonorabs #sheldonjobs #sheldon
8 months ago, Brittany Maassen
Congratulations to the class of 2024! Graduation will take place in the Sheldon High School Gym starting at 2:00 PM on Sunday, May 26th. Graduation will also be live streamed starting at 2:00 PM by using this link: #LeadOn #Orabs #sheldonorabs #sheldongraduation
9 months ago, Brittany Maassen
Summer Lunch Program will be available again this year! See images attached for more information. #LeadOn #orabs #sheldonorabs #sheldonmeals
9 months ago, Brittany Maassen