A & P class learning about brain structure through dissecting sheep brains!

Preschool students painting pumpkins!

7th graders are completing an escape room with fraction operations. Will they "escape" their homework??? #sms #escapehomework #orabnation #orabtech

SHS Intro to Art class using their new VR headsets to study the art and history of Ancient Egypt #orabnation #virtualreality #art #ancientegypt

Nov 5-7, 8am-8pm Tues & Thurs
8am-2pm Wed
Purchases benefit our library.
New eWallet option.
Share & visit our Book Fair Website for info.

Doing a great job writing letters in Mrs. Johnson’s room!

SMS Celebrates Red Ribbon Week, an alcohol, tobacco, and other drug and violence prevention awareness campaign. Red Ribbon Week also supports anti-bullying and encourages kindness to all students! #bekind #drugfree #saynotodrugs #redribbonweek #orabnation

6th graders interviewed someone about money and then shared interesting and funny things they learned #flipgridfever #sms #orabnation #money

Thanks to Pella who donated $500 to the SMS Color Run. Kids pictured all have parent(s) employed by Pella. #sms #colorrun #pella #orabnation

6th grade students took a break from their class novel, "Hatchet," to try some of the survival skills that Brian is experiencing including making a fire, braiding rope, and carving arrowheads. #hatchet #survival #sms #orabnation

We had a fabulous time yesterday with Honorary Orab, Coach Sloth and all of our family and friends! #pizza #popcorn #books #coachsloth #family #friends #orabnation

Mr. B's first annual read-n-feed

Welcome Coach Sloth to East Elementary Literacy Night! #readers #coachsloth #eastelemetary #orabnation

Gather your high school friends to solve our Halloween tricks and get some treats.
Halloween Escape Experience - Monday, October 28th, HS library. Three, forty minute sessions @ 4:00, 5:00, & 6:00 pm.
LIMITED SPACES! Sign up this week @ lunchtime or in the library!

4th graders designing cradles to protect their eggs from breaking. #science #orabnation

SHS staff and students enjoyed their first "Block Party" of the year #relationshipbuilding #orabnation

First and third grade buddies learning about sound vibrations and each other...thanks Mr. Meyer for joining in. #orabnation

Preschool students going on a tree hunt during our Tree Study.

Great Day for 1st FFA PUMPKIN DAY

Congratulations to East Elementary teacher Sami Fox, McTeacher of the month! She received a plaque, $100 for her classroom, and free McCafe drinks for a year!