3rd grade STEM building structures to withstand earthquakes.
over 5 years ago, Carla Kleinwolterink
3A buddy reading with 1D!
over 5 years ago, Carla Kleinwolterink
Buddy reading
Buddy reading
Buddy reading
Buddy reading
Oct. 22 Coach Sloth is coming to East Elementary Literacy Night watch for details!
over 5 years ago, Carla Kleinwolterink
Coach Sloth
Mr. Maassen shared one of his favorite books with 4th grade reading students this morning. Thanks for celebrating Favorite Book Friday with us! #OrabReaders #FBF
over 5 years ago, Carla Kleinwolterink
Kdg students sharing writing projects with each other.
over 5 years ago, Carla Kleinwolterink
4th graders learning about text shadowing
over 5 years ago, Carla Kleinwolterink
text shadowing
text shadowing
2B showing their Orab spirit on red, white, & blue day!
over 5 years ago, Carla Kleinwolterink
Thanks to Teri Bos for the vaping presentation at the MS today. Don’t miss the parent presentation at the HS tonight, 7 pm.
over 5 years ago, Carla Kleinwolterink
1C Excited to fill their reading Book Bags!!
over 5 years ago, Carla Kleinwolterink
Book Bags
Book Bags
Book Bags
1C building silly sentences during reading rotations!
over 5 years ago, Carla Kleinwolterink
Silly sentences
Silly sentences
1B showing their homecoming spirit by dressing up for mismatch day & favorite team day!
over 5 years ago, Carla Kleinwolterink
This week only earn an additional Box Top on every Box Tops participating product. To earn simply purchase by 9/22/19 and scan your receipt within 14 days of purchase.
over 5 years ago, Carla Kleinwolterink
Cheerleading Camp today! 3:30-5:00, parents attend at 5:00 to see performance!
over 5 years ago, Amber Beukelman
East students love the new fruit and vegetable bar!!
over 5 years ago, Carla Kleinwolterink
East fruit/veg bar
Get your homecoming brag tags for $1 Sept 16-20 @ East
over 5 years ago, Carla Kleinwolterink
Brag Tags
Brag Tags
3B Freethinkers
over 5 years ago, Carla Kleinwolterink
Cyclone pride on CyHawk Day!
over 5 years ago, Carla Kleinwolterink
CyHawk Cyclone
CyHawk Cyclone
Students from Reading Club use a chart with a checklist when writing summaries over non-fiction passages.
over 5 years ago, Carla Kleinwolterink
Reading Club
Reading Club
Reading Club
Reading Club
Mrs. Hennings found some friends who celebrate Iowa-Iowa State Day the same way as her. #GoHuskers!
over 5 years ago, Carla Kleinwolterink
4th grade STEM challenge in Mrs. Nasers' science class. Students were challenged to build the tallest tower using marshmallow, tape, and uncooked spaghetti noodles
over 5 years ago, Carla Kleinwolterink
STEM Challenge
STEM Challenge
STEM Challenge